so this year.. has been a very tough year for me.. not because of the PMR exam, is because some of my best friends are leaving.. primary school friends n secondary school friends.. that's kinda sad rite? but life has to move on.. so im looking forward for form 4's life.
this year is very different for me.. usaully i celebrated my christmas n new year in malaysia.. but this time, im celebrating in china.. it will b a very strange feeling celebrating with strangers. =.= not after i knew them.
i'll b away frm 21st till 3rd of jan.. means i'll b back b4 the day school reopens.. missed the chance to hang out with my friends that are leaving.. T.T nvm oh and.. PMR results.. i cant take it by myself.. my mother is going to take for me.. so im not soo nervous now. hah
first of all, i copied most of the post frm my bro as u all knw that im sooo lazy. n sry for not updating for so long. it's a trip to melaka. enjoy. :)